Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The study is devoted to the urgent problem of studying the influence of staff loyalty on the process of effective functioning of an organization in the dynamic turbulent socio-economic situation of recent years in the Russian Federation. In a period of insufficient personnel caused by demographic reasons and at the same time high rates of staff turnover, the study of the influence of staff loyalty on the process of effective functioning of the organization comes to the fore. A theoretical analysis of the influence of staff loyalty on the process of effective functioning of the company was carried out. The study presents the main aspects of the influence of staff loyalty on the process of effective functioning of the organization. Attitudinal and behavioral approaches to the definition of “loyalty” of personnel are outlined. A formulation is given to the basic concept of “loyalty” of personnel, which is revealed as the quality of an employee’s personality, determined by the willingness to adhere to the principles and established rules of the company, and the attitude towards the performance of job duties at a high level to maintain the functioning of the organization. The criteria for staff loyalty are highlighted, for example, such as: level of staff satisfaction with the conditions and results of work; emotional attachment to the organization (external and internal manifestations); degree of trust between management and employees. A description is given and the results of a practical study of the influence of staff loyalty on the process of effective functioning of the organization are presented. Of particular empirical importance are practical recommendations for the HR manager to determine the influence of staff loyalty, based on the use of methods for assessing the level of loyalty; research into the relationship between loyalty and company performance; analysis of received materials during feedback; monitoring of key indicators of the company’s operational efficiency and effectiveness.
staff loyalty, organization activities, personnel, organization, efficiency of the organization
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