Russian Federation
The article considers the elements of the content of training future teachers-psychologists of primary education for the implementation of extracurricular activities: the theoretical and methodological basis for planning and designing extracurricular activities, the basic values, principles and functions of extracurricular activities, organizational models of extracurricular activities, the structure and content of extracurricular activities. The psychological support of the educational process, diagnosis, correction and development of the mental sphere and behavior of children, as well as counseling and support for teachers and parents, which can be carried out by a teacher – psychologist of primary education in extracurricular activities, is substantiated. The personal qualities of a specialist corresponding to the essence of extracurricular activities, its specifics, as well as ways of their formation in the process of professional training are studied.
goals and objectives of extracurricular activities as an integral part of the educational process at school, the activity of a teacher-psychologist of primary general education, requirements for the qualification of a specialist, requirements for the personality of a teacher-psychologist
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