from 01.10.2008 until now
Russian Federation
The Bologna system, borrowed by our young reformers from Western countries, has caused many troubles in Russian education, the main of which was the destruction of education in principle and the collapse of Soviet scientific schools, and in the near foreseeable future – the destruction of science in Russia. Apparently, this state of affairs was planned by the West before the final collapse of not the Soviet Union, but the Russian Federation itself. Although many scientists, seeing this outcome of the case, signaled "to the top" about the inadmissibility of further executions of education and science, nevertheless, the high leadership did not pay attention to these well-founded alarming signals from top-level specialists. The result did not take long to wait: there were much fewer graduate students, and hence those wishing to become scientists decreased significantly; as for the engineering corps, it almost disappeared – because it is impossible to consider a fellow "bachelor" with his understaffed scientific baggage as a normal engineer with higher education – so, an unfinished higher education. This is exactly the concept that existed in Soviet Russia if a person did not complete all five years and did not defend his diploma. And what is the bachelor's degree defending now? Some kind of graduation paper, WRC. It looks like a term paper, not even a course project. And now, when our President V.V. Putin very quietly ordered the ignoramuses from the Ministry of Education and Science to return to traditional training, which has been inherent for a long time, the ministry began to stir. In less than five years, something will change: either education will become normal, or the minister will be removed from office - everything is like Khoja Nasreddin's..
higher education; Bologna process; education reform; reform results
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