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Abstract (English):
This article analyses the problems and prospects of using entertainment communications in the Russian media market. The main prerequisites for the popularity and widespread use of entertainment technologies in the media sphere are considered. The purpose of this study was to determine the prospects for the use of entertainment communications in the Russian media market. Methodology and Methods. Secondary data analysis and expert interview were chosen as the research methods. As a result of the study, the risks and opportunities of entertainment communication application were identified; general and specific communication tasks were identified; priority areas of application of these technologies were substantiated. The article defines the role of entertainment technologies as a driver of development of the modern Russian media environment. The practical significance of the study. The factors influencing the effectiveness of these technologies in strategic communications and in the promotion of technically complex high-tech and innovative products are formulated. The use of the research results will ensure the validity of the choice of communication technologies, improve the quality of planning activities in the field of advertising and public relations.

entertainment technologies in the media sphere, risks and opportunities of entertainment communication application, application prospects
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