Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose of the research: study, identification and experimental verification of the levels of formation of an inclusive culture of students in the educational space of the university. Research methods: theoretical analysis, modeling, pedagogical observation, questioning, pedagogical experiment; statistical methods of data processing (Pearson χ2 test). Main results: the content of the inclusive culture of university students was revealed, the main stages, levels and criteria for assessing the formation of an inclusive culture of students in the educational space of the university were determined. A model for the formation of an inclusive culture of university students has been developed. Conclusions: An inclusive culture in the educational space of a university makes it possible to fully ensure the quality of training for graduates with disabilities and disabilities, creating traditions, its effective mechanisms, with an emphasis on the formation of a value attitude of all participants in the educational process. The educational space of the university should play a leading role in the formation of an inclusive culture not only in the educational environment, but also in society as a whole.

inclusive education, inclusive culture, educational space of the university, inclusive values, inclusive competence
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