Russian Federation
In the article, the authors focus on the problem of the etiology of anxiety in children with mental retardation of various types. The problem under consideration has an interdisciplinary character and is studied primarily in socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical research. The main issue that is the subject of consideration is how the form of education and the level of anxiety of students with mental retardation are interconnected. The article presents the results of an empirical study of anxiety in primary school children with mental retardation, studying in conditions of inclusion and integration. A program has also been developed to overcome anxiety in children with mental retardation. The effectiveness of the performed corrective work has been proved using methods of mathematical statistics (Mann-Whitney U-test, Wilcoxon T-test).
children of primary school age, mental retardation, inclusive educational environment, inclusive learning, integrated learning, correctional work, prevention, anxiety, emotional destruction
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