Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Investments in human capital directly affect the improvement of the quality of work of a specialist, an organization, which, in turn, directly affects the economic development of the country. Investments in human development are of particular importance in the context of the reorganization of the higher education system. The article deals with topical issues of formation, development and use of intellectual potential. The directions of evaluation of investments in human capital of educational organizations are highlighted. Attention is focused on the development of creative potential that contributes to improving the quality of education and the formation of competitive, highly qualified workforce. The indicators of the assessment of human capital in the higher education system from the point of view of investments are formulated. Special attention is paid to the problem areas of human capital development in higher education. Priority directions for solving the identified problematic issues are highlighted.
human capital, intellectual potential, creative potential, higher education, competitiveness, investment efficiency, development, assessment, resources
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