Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugorskaya) regional public organisation of the Free Economic Society of Russia (Deputy head)
Surgut, Russian Federation
UDK 331.42 Рабочие места и помещения. Места общего пользования. Места отдыха
The article presents the results of testing the project “Digital Transformation of Schools. Introduction of a set of standard services for the educational process and management.” The main components of the information and communication technologies integration system are presented. The possibilities of Edupage for teaching staff and administrative staff of an educational institution are considered. The main advantages of introducing an automated system in terms of optimizing the work of the administration of an educational institution and teaching staff are outlined. The results of a survey of teaching staff after the introduction of ICT are presented. Metrics of staff performance before and after implementation of the system and metrics of professional development before and after implementation are presented. professional development of employees was diagnosed before and after the implementation of the automated system.
digital transformation of educational institutions, information and communication technologies, optimization of personnel work
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