Stavropol', Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article is devoted to one of the important problems of the modern education system – the creation of a modern digital educational environment in educational organizations through the use of digital educational resources, which requires the teacher to have a set of professional competencies. Particular attention is paid to digital educational platforms that can be used to organize educational activities using distance learning technologies and e-learning.
professional activities, digital educational environment, digital educational platforms, digital educational resources and services
1. Federal'nyy proekt «Cifrovaya obrazovatel'naya sreda» nacional'nogo proekta «Obrazovanie».[Elektronnyy resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa:
2. IKT-kompetentnost' pedagoga v usloviyah cifrovizacii obrazovaniya: uchebnoe posobie / avt.-sost.: S.A. Hudoverdova, N.N. Sabel'nikova-Begashvili, E.V. Damianova. – Stavropol': Izd-vo «Timchenko O.G.», 2024. – 78 s.
3. Sovershenstvovanie professional'noy kompetentnosti pedagoga v usloviyah informacionno-obrazovatel'noy sredy: uchebnoe posobie / avt.-sost.: N.N. Sabel'nikova-Begashvili, S.A. Hudoverdova. Stavropol': Izd-vo: AGRUS, 2020. ‒ 72 s.