Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 372.851 математики
UDK 371.315.5 Развивающее обучение
The article discusses the organization of education taking into account the requirements of the updated educational state standard, federal educational and work (subject) programs for the mathematical preparation of third-graders. Some features of the updated content of the third year of study and methodological approaches to strengthening the work of the teacher in developing in younger schoolchildren the ability to construct and verify the truth of statements, justify their point of view, understand practical problems, and apply educational and subject-related actions when working with different course contents are presented. Methodological approaches are characterized that allow schoolchildren to ensure better mastery of updated subject content: the ability to work with mathematical text, conduct independent testing and evaluate the results of the solution. Thus, the article substantiates the possibility of taking into account the standard requirements for student independence when organizing the learning process.
Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education; mathematics; third grader; updated content; universal learning activities; universal tasks; independence of the younger student
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