Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides a methodological justification for the personnel support system for the implementation of inclusive higher education at a university. The purpose and directions of the personnel support system for the implementation of inclusive higher education at the university have been determined. The structure of the personnel support system for the implementation of inclusive higher education in higher education is proposed, consisting of five elements: 1) the system implementation team, regulatory and local documents; 2) the resource support of the system; 3) the necessary measures for the implementation of the system, partners and their contribution to the successful implementation of measures; 4) the results of the implementation of the system; 5) tools and tools for evaluating the effectiveness of the system. The content of each element of the personnel support system for the implementation of inclusive higher education at the university is disclosed. It is proved that the implementation of the proposed system of personnel support for the implementation of inclusive higher education will allow the formation of a staff at the university, including managerial, scientific, pedagogical and support staff necessary for the comprehensive support of the educational process of students with disabilities and disabilities.

inclusive higher education, staffing, educational organization of higher education, students with disabilities and disabilities, special educational needs, resource educational and methodological center for the education of persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities
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