Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
This work is devoted to the problem of moral education of younger schoolchildren. It allows you to create a basis for further formation of a child's moral personality, helping him to develop a sense of responsibility, ethical principles and the ability to make the right decisions. Therefore, it is important that the teacher be able to competently structure moral education classes, taking into account the age characteristics of children and using a variety of methods and forms of work. It is important to take into account that moral education is a long and systematic process that requires constant attention and support from all participants in the educational process - teachers, parents and the child himself. Joint efforts will create a favorable and ethically rich educational environment in which every child will be able to develop their moral values and become a moral and responsible citizen.
Education, pedagogical methods, moral education, primary school students, education.
1. Portfolio of an elementary school student / Author-compiler E.A.Andreeva N.V. Razvalyaeva. M.:Planeta, 2012. 112 p.
2. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Not only with the mind, but also with the heart. M., 1986. 44 p.; Sukhomlinsky V.A. About education. M., 1979. 124 p.
3. Matveeva N.S. Conditions for improving the effectiveness and quality of moral education //Actual problems of science: collection of scientific tr. based on the materials between. scientific and practical conf. Tambov: Publishing house of the TRIO "Business Science – Society", 2011. EDN:
4. Bondarevskaya E. V. Moral education of students in the context of the implementation of school reform: Textbook. Rostov-on-Don: RSPI, 1986. 361s.
5. Kairov I.A. The ABC of moral education / M., 2006. p. 201.
6. Belousova T.L. Spiritual and moral development and education of younger schoolchildren. Methodological recommendations. M., 2011. 124 p. EDN:
7. Bozhovich L.I. On the moral development and upbringing of children // Questions of psychology. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1975. 254 p.
8. Kosachev I. P. Moral education of a younger student in the process of education and upbringing/ M.: ARKTI, 2005. 51 p.
9. Kovalev N.E., Raisky B.F., Sorokin N.A. Introduction to pedagogy. M. 1975., 176 p.
10. Galiguzova L. N. Pedagogy of young children: studies. The manual / M.: Vlados, 2007. 301 p. EDN:
11. Ushinsky K. D. Man as a subject of education. The experience of pedagogical anthropology. M.: Bustard, 2005. 557 p.
12. Shchurkova N.E. Diagnostics of upbringing: pedagogical methods. Education: a new view from the point of view of culture. M.: Pedagogical search, 1997. 78 p.
13. Likhachev B. T. Theory of aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Studies.course manual for students of pedagogical institutes/ M.: Enlightenment, 1985. 176 p.
14. Kovalev N.E., Raisky B.F., Sorokin N.A. Introduction to pedagogy. M. 1975., 176 p.;
15. Kosachev I. P. Moral education of a younger student in the process of education and upbringing/ M.: ARKTI, 2005. 51 p.
16. Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children. Kiev, 1981. 108 p.
17. Kovalev N.E., Raisky B.F., Sorokin N.A. Introduction to pedagogy. M. 1975., 176 p.
18. The concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia [Text] // Bulletin of Education. 2009. No. 17. pp. 9 – 31.
19. Senko Yu.V. Humanitarian foundations of pedagogical education: a course of lectures. Moscow: Akademiya, 2000. 232 p. EDN:
20. Vapryan N.F. Guidance on the independent work of younger schoolchildren in mathematics lessons // Elementary school. 1982. No. 12.
21. Zhuravlev I.K., Zorina L.Ya., Lerner I.Ya. Didactic concept of the content of basic education // Didactic problems of building the basic content of education. M., 1993. 210 p.
22. Shamova T.I. Aktivizaciya ucheniya shkol'nikov. M., 1979. Aktivizaciya ucheniya shkol'nikov / T. I. Shamova. - Moskva : Pedagogika, 1982. - 209 s.