The article presents the author's view on the application of neuropsychological correction in additional education. In recent decades, a lot of children have demonstrated delays and distortions of psychorechological development, lack of formation of arbitrary self-regulation, dysgraphy, etc. Together, this leads to emotional, personal and cognitive unpreparedness for learning and adequate adaptation to society. The priority participation of neuropsychology —the science of the formation of the brain organization of human mental processes in solving a wide range of dysontogenetic problems is primarily due to the depressing realities of development processes in the modern child population. Never before have we encountered such an abundance of negative phenomena as are observed today. Neuropsychological analysis of the problems of deviant development, which has been actively developing in our country since the early 1980s, immediately proved to be the most reliable and productive. This is natural, since it is based on a powerful methodological and scientific-practical base developed in general neuropsychology, neuropsychology of childhood, the theory of neuropsychological rehabilitation. [1]
neuropsychological correction, children with disabilities, additional education
1. Koval'ko V.I. Zdorov'esberegayuschie tehnologii v nachal'noy shkole.- M.: Vako, 2004.; EDN:
2. Osnovy neyropsihologii. Ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vysshih uchebnyh zavedeniy. - M.: Izdatel'skiy centr «Akademiya», 2003. - 384 s.