The paper presents using of frame-by-frame animation of geometric constructions in the course "Descriptive Geometry" to present educational graphic material in a more accessible and visual form for students. Electronic support of descriptive geometry classes used at the Department of Engineering Graphics at Bauman Moscow State Technical University made in the technique of frame-by-frame animation in the format of presentations and electronic text publications is presented. The technique of creating frame-by-frame animation is described. Geometric constructions are performed using computer graphics systems, in layers; each layer contains one step of construction. When layers are showed on alternately, a number of graphic files are created, which are inserted in a certain sequence on presentation slides or on the pages of an electronic text publication. During the demonstration, a visualization of the course of geometric constructions is created on the screen. Teachers when giving lectures and practical classes use electronic support of classes, made in the format of presentations to demonstrate the course material on the screen in the classroom. The presentations contain graphic material in the technique of frame-by-frame animation and minimal text material; the teacher gives the necessary explanations. Electronic support of classes, made in the form of an electronic educational visual aid, is used for independent work of students. Unlike classroom presentations, in an electronic educational visual aid, the animation of geometric constructions is accompanied by a text step-by-step description of the sequence of solving geometric problems. The main advantage of using electronic training software made in frame-by-frame animation technology compared to traditional software is the visibility and the ability to consistently, step by step, understanding the course of graphic constructions, with the ability to go back and repeat the sequence at any stage.
descriptive geometry, graphic constructions, frame-by-frame animation, electronic support of classes, sequence of geometric constructions
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