Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is exclusively applied and methodical in nature and is intended for the study of constructions in the section "Perspective". The paper considers the construction of the perspective of a straight line of the general position with the help of a picture trace and a vanishing point. In perspective, the traces of a straight line are the points of intersection with the picture and subject planes. Vanishing point – the perspective of an improper point of a straight line. The article discusses the picture trail, the vanishing point and the construction of a straight line segment by means of these perspective points. In textbooks for builders, such a task is not set at all and is not considered. Three authors have solutions in textbooks for architects: A.G. Klimukhin, Yu.I. Koroev and T.S. Timrot. However, they also have some disadvantages, which are discussed in this article. In the work proposed to the reader, such an arrangement of geometric components is performed that there is neither parallelism nor perpendicularity between them, that is, they are all located at acute angles to each other, which means that a general case of construction is proposed for consideration. So, we have a right angle only between the horizontal and frontal planes of projections, as well as between the picture and object (horizontal plane of projections) planes. The angles between the other geometric components are exceptionally sharp: a straight line of general position in the P1/P2 system is taken, it is also a straight line of general position in the P1/K system. Thus, the article considers, unlike other textbooks, the general case of a direct task.

descriptive geometry; perspective; straight line; traces of a straight line, a picture trace; vanishing point

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