Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern society, digitalization of the human resource (HR) system and processes is an objectively set need of companies, a vector and format of HR policy and HR strategy. The transfer of HR management processes to “digital” has become a powerful factor in the survival of the enterprise in the ever-increasing “struggle for Talents”, a driver of increasing the effectiveness of implemented HR policies. HR management today is moving to a new level — the “HR 3.0” model, based on the use of algorithms, digital products, cloud technologies, mobile applications, artificial intelligence, integrated software, etc. One of the main directions of using digital technologies in the field of HR management is digital recruitment (digital recruiting). Digital recruiting as one of the most progressively developing areas of HR policy, which determines the practical value of this research. The focus of the article is the question of the forms and possibilities of using various digital technologies within the key stages of the process of recruitment and selection of candidates for vacant positions of the organization. The conclusion is made about the most striking trends in the digitalization of recruiting from the point of view of the analysis of the practice of Russian state and commercial structures. The request for transformation of the spectrum of key functions of a modern recruitment manager operating in a highly improvised social space is indicated. The scientific novelty of the article consists in determining the capabilities of modern digital technologies in the search and selection of candidates.

digital technologies in human resource management (HRM), digitalization of human resource policy, digital recruiting, digital technologies of candidate selection
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