Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation
The level of anxiety in modern stressful and foreign policy unfavorable conditions becomes one of the determining factors in the educational process, before the new reforms in the sphere of education there is a problem of organization of pedagogical process in students with high level of anxiety. In this article we study the actual indicators of personality and reactive anxiety in students of Petrozavodsk State University, we obtained data on statistically reliable differences in personality anxiety in students of different genders. We also conducted a systematic analysis of the literature on the platform, which allowed us to obtain data on the average level of anxiety in students of different institutions of higher education from 2010 to 2022. The used indicators of the results were the values of the methodology ShRLT (Reactive (situational) and personality anxiety scale) C.D. Spielberger-J.L. Khanin.
anxiety research, personality anxiety, reactive anxiety, educational process, correction of anxiety states
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