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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that the current issues of research on preferential territories leaves the issues of strategic planning of their development outside of active scientific and public discussions. The purpose of the study is to analyze the “targeting” of strategic planning documents for preferential territories to address issues of spatial development of the Russian Federation. The object of the study was the special economic zones (SEZ) of the technology innovative type. It is concluded that the long-term goals and objectives of the SEZ as a whole correspond to the strategic guidelines for the development of the country and the priorities of the strategies for the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Federation where they operate, however, issues of spatial development in planning documents are given secondary attention. In the long-term planning documents of the SEZ, there is a connection with the key strategic planning documents developed as part of goal-setting at the federal and regional levels, and with the strategies for the socio-economic development of the regions in which they operate; there are references to the strategic planning documents of the lower level — to the strategies of socio-economic development of municipalities. The lack of connection with the priorities, goals and objectives of the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation as the most important strategic planning document developed within the framework of goal-setting on a territorial basis, as well as with the development strategies of resident companies, was noted. The necessity of forming a state strategy for the development of preferential territories, which should become an integral part of the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation, is substantiated.

strategic planning document, preferential territory, special economic zone, cluster, development institution, Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation
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