Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of  the study presented in  the article is  to study and analyze factors, external and internal, that affect working conditions in  educational institutions and determine the directions for their improvement. The importance of working conditions and their impact on the quality of education is noted, the classification of working conditions is highlighted, the importance of observing not only sanitary and hygienic standards and safety precautions, but also the socio-economic and socio-psychological components of working conditions is noted. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of factors affecting working conditions in educational institutions: socio-production (technical), socio-economic, socio-hygienic (sanitary and hygienic), socio-psychological. The novelty of the work is a comprehensive study of working conditions in an educational institution in the city of Penza. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the consideration of the terminological apparatus of working conditions and the identification of the essential characteristics of the working conditions of a general educational organization. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that, based on the results of the study, problems were identified and areas of  work were identified that need to  be changed or  adjusted to  improve working conditions and improve the quality of  the educational institution as a whole. This will reduce staff turnover, prevent professional burnout of employees of an educational institution, increase their job satisfaction, which, in turn, will improve labor productivity and performance of the organization as a whole. The identified aspects are designed for a “positive effect” and can be taken into account in the practical activities of organizations in similar areas of activity when developing specific recommendations for improving working conditions and certain aspects of personnel management.

quality of working life, personnel policy, personnel, professional burnout, personnel management, working conditions, educational institution, job satisfaction, factors
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