Lybercy, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 372.8 Преподавание отдельных учебных предметов
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The article aims to investigate the role of the country study approach in the 7th grade geography course «Continents, oceans, peoples and countries». The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the country study approach is widely used when teaching school geography, its role in teaching is constantly increasing as it provides a comprehensive study of the territories and water areas of the Earth, large regions and countries of the world. The purpose of this article is to identify the possible ways to implement the country-study approach while studying the general features of the nature of the Earth during the 7th grade geography course. The article analyzes the main goals and structure of the course «Continents, oceans, peoples and countries». The author describes the possibilities of implementing the country study approach when studying the general features of the nature of our planet using the topic «Lithosphere and terrain of the Earth» as an example. The most successful methodological methods for its implementation are mentioning regions, countries and cities of the world, their geographical location and other information, as well as their distinctive features related to the topic of the lesson. Accordingly, the application of the country study approach when teaching the general features of the Earth’s nature in the course «Continents, oceans, peoples and countries» helps students to explore the main features of the Earth’s geospheres on the example of various territories of the world. The materials presented in the article confirm the importance of applying the regional approach in studying the general features of the nature of the Earth in the 7th grade geography course and illustrate the possibilities of its implementation. The material of this article can be used by geography teachers when lesson planning on the topic of the lithosphere and the terrain of the Earth.
country study, country study approach, geography of continents and oceans, lithosphere, terrain
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