Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Descriptive geometry is one of the main disciplines of the general engineering cycle. It presents methods of accurate representation of spatial objects on a plane, as well as the identification of geometric shapes of figures from given images. That is, this discipline is designed to give future engineers the knowledge and skills to build and read drawings. By causing the intensive work of students' spatial thinking, descriptive geometry contributes to the development of spatial representation. In descriptive geometry, a flat image of a spatial object is called a plot (drawing). Students studying descriptive geometry get acquainted with examples of practical use of the theoretical provisions of descriptive geometry in course and diploma design. However, it is much easier to perceive drawings in volume if they can be rotated and viewed from different sides. For these purposes, you can not do without third-party software. Visualization of objects in the presence of a three-dimensional model is provided by Unity. But to create a three–dimensional model according to the drawing, other software is required - for example, Blender. Therefore, the authors set a goal: to create a semi-automatic visualization system for two-dimensional drawings in space based on Blender software and to develop comprehensive and simple documentation that will allow even people far from programming to use the program. It is known that Blender is a powerful program for creating three-dimensional graphics that allows you to create various objects, scenes, animations, as well as edit them. Blender is a free and open source program available to anyone interested in three-dimensional modeling and computer graphics creation. Among the Blender tools for creating three-dimensional models are powerful tools for modeling, sculpting, animation and visualization of objects and scenes. In Blender, you can also draw textures and create 3D animations using animation tools such as key frames.
projection, image, 3D-modeling, descriptive geometry, engineering graphics, computer graphics.
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