Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to studying the possibility of using interdisciplinary tools in sociological research. The model of V. V. Leontiev is one of the mathematical tools that make it possible to evaluate the considered set of social objects for the possibility of carrying out further sociological research with it. This tool can be used as an element of a quantitative strategy. The empirical basis of the study was the results of data monitoring carried out as part of the substantiation of the theory of the penetration of international management standards into the activities of social facilities located on the territory of the Russian Federation. The period of time covering the assessment of the behavior of social objects was from 1993 to 2021. The study shows that the key characteristics that determine the behavior of social facilities when international quality management standards are introduced are their size, type of activity, and geographical location. Factors that largely predetermine the behavior of social facilities in the context of the penetration of international quality management standards into their activities are historical, demographic and geographical. The consideration of the penetration theory is based on the hierarchy of social objects (scalar chain), which represents their interconnection and mutual influence on each other. To substantiate the possibility of classifying this tool as sociological monitoring, in the article we considered the typification of industries based on the results of their activities and the application of this typification to justify the dissemination of international quality management standards throughout Russia, based on the theory of penetration. Based on the results of using the model of V.V. Leontiev in sociological research, we identified the risks of sociological research in ongoing quantitative strategies, as well as the role of the social component in the phenomenon we studied. The article focuses on changing the lifestyle and behavior of social objects through organizations belonging to social sectors. Social sectors, which include educational institutions, are prevailing in changing the standards of society.

research, Leontief model, quantitative strategy, qualitative strategy, social objects, scalar chain, industries, risks, hierarchy
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