Moskva, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The level of staff involvement is a very important tool for personnel management and business in general. It needs to be researched, improved and maintained to ensure the growth of companies. The article provides an overview of the main domestic and foreign models that allow assessing the state of staff involvement, exploring the structure of involvement, finding its main bottlenecks and opportunities for development. The article examines the composition and focus of the Q12 Gallup engagement questionnaire, the model of Deloitte, McKinsey and other major companies, emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of employee belonging to the company and provides best practices of employee engagement, which are universal in nature, they can be implemented by many companies to improve their corporate culture and increase their own efficiency.
employee engagement, employee engagement model, elements of employee engagement, employee needs, employee recognition and value, mission; teamwork, career and development
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