Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Elective courses play an important role in the profile education of high school students. Thanks to them, it is possible to expand or deepen the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren in a particular subject area, prepare them for choosing a profession or passing the state final certification. An important place in elective courses is occupied by control measures, with the help of which the teacher both determines the level of readiness of students to pass the elective and assesses the success of the student in mastering the course material. In this regard, the future teacher must master the methodology for organizing elective courses, including the ability to develop or select materials for control activities. Taking into account the transition of education in pedagogical universities to the “Core of Higher Pedagogical Education”, it becomes difficult to prepare for elective courses in computer science. Therefore, the article shows one of the ways for students to master the skills of organizing and conducting elective courses through one of the university disciplines. The development of tasks for control measures, designed by students in the study of university discipline, is given.

elective courses, informatics, bachelor's education, the core of higher pedagogical education, control measures

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