Ural State University of Economics (epartment of Labor Economics and Human Resources Management, Associate Professor)
The introduction of digital technologies into the activities of modern organizations has an unprecedented impact on the sphere of work. New requirements are being imposed on the competencies and motivation of employees, as well as the development of human potential. In this connection, the research of professional mentality is becoming relevant in the digital economy. The article presents the results of a desk study of the essential understanding of professional mentality in the scientific literature. The method of bibliographic analysis was used as a research method. The article presents the results of a desk research of the essential understanding of professional mentality in the scientific literature. The method of bibliographic analysis was used as a research method. The results of the research showed that the topic of professional mentality development has been the subject of scientific discussions in various scientific fields and disciplines for several decades. However, aspects of the impact of digitalization of labor on the professional mentality are not given enough attention. In addition, the widespread introduction of digital technologies leads to the transformation of the mentality of representatives of various professions, which makes it possible to introduce the concept of "digital professional mentality" into scientific circulation. The results of the research have theoretical significance and necessitate further in-depth study of the impact of digitalization on the formation of various components of professional mentality.
professional mentality, human potential, development of labor resources, digitalization of the labor sphere, digital economy, digital professional mentality
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