Russian Federation
The subject of the research in this work was the commercial nomination of confectionery products, formed on the basis of a precedent text. The relevance of the study undertaken is due, on the one hand, to the in-creasing practice of using a precedent text in the name and, on the other hand, to the urgent need to optimise the process of commercial nomination. The paper is based on the hypothesis that the use of a precedent text in a commercial name increases the communicative effectiveness of the name among potential consumers. It is shown that the communicative effective-ness of a name is determined by the potential inherent in the word for its use as a commercial name, and its components are the associative corre-spondence of the word name, its informative value, motivation and phonetic attractiveness. At the same time, the named components are not equally important, the leading role in communicative efficiency is played by the so-called motivation of the name, understood as the degree of actualization by the word-name of a certain consumer motive. The author’s methodology for the study of the motivation of commercial names based on the precedent text is proposed. This methodology involves the calculation and further comparison of the preference index of names based on precedent and names containing no elements of precedence. The implementation of this technique confirms the hypothesis of a correlation between the use of a precedent text in a commercial name and the communicative effectiveness of this name. The conclusions obtained as a result of the study can be used in real prac-tice of creating effective commercial names of different types.
commercial nomination, communicative effectiveness, precedent text, motivation, preference index
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