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Abstract (English):
The purpose of this article is a comparative analysis of ideological concepts related to Russian national identity and substantiation of the hypothesis that moderate conservatism is really optimal in modern conditions not only for Russia, but also for other civilizations, for effective state policy and public administration, for the protection of Russia's national interests. The article used such methods as historical, comparative and hermeneutic. The article attempts to reveal the specific properties and methodological approaches of Russian moderate conservatism as a worldview concept of modern Russia. It is shown that this worldview concept has long-standing historical roots, both in Russia and abroad. It is pointed out that the current state of Russian society is a challenge in developing the concept of moderate conservatism. The article examines how the concept of moderate conservatism is connected with the tasks of reviving spiritual and moral values in the mass Russian consciousness, with the implementation of constitutional norms, with the economic values of Russian society, as well as with the formation of the worldview DNA of Russia and the image of the future of Russia. It is concluded that further development of the concept of moderate conservatism is necessary for the formation of harmony between economic efficiency, modernization, development, creative competition and social justice, mutual assistance, solidarity of Russian society, and also for the formation of the image of the future and the Russian civilizational attractiveness.

moderate conservatism, worldview, Russian civilization, image of the future, civilizational approach, DNA of Russia, Russian civilizational attractiveness
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