Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study is relevant in the context of global projects supported by the government and initiated by the President of the Russian Federation: the federal state educational standards, the complex project of modernization of education, national educational initiative “Our new school”, “Concept of the spiritual and moral development and education of a citizen of Russia.” In the context of extracurricular activities in the design development of the FSES becoming especially popular networking projects that brings together institutions of diff erent levels (schools, supplementary education for children, psychological urban centers, higher education institutions). The interaction of educational institutions is becoming a modern highly innovative technology that allows them to develop dynamically. The article describes a model of network interaction of educational-governmental organizations of the city of Kaluga in the framework of the extracurricular activity of younger schoolboys in the terms of realization of the FSES of primary education. Model networking educational institutions of the city of Kaluga in the framework of the extracurricular activity of younger schoolboys in the development of the FSES of primary education has been successfully tested on the basis of four elementary schools in the city of Kaluga, the study involved 177 students and 7 primary school teachers. Social partners of educational networking were: Children and Youth Space Education Center “Galaxy” of the city of Kaluga and Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The basis of networking cooperation were programs of extracurricular activities of I.V. Ivanova. The main results of testing of the model is the development of individual students in the development of programs that increase the level of professional competence of primary school teachers in the organization of extracurricular activities of the FSES of the primary general education. The study contributes to a system of total innovative design, Further and Higher Education; It shows the possibility of the contents and forms of social and pedagogical partnership in the system of education in the introduction of the FSES of primary education. The practical signifi cance of the study consists in the possibility of using the developed model in educational practice. The study will allow to make science-based contribution to the practical implementation of the regional. Prospects for the development of research consist in the development of new models of a network of educational cooperation, attraction of new bases for cooperation. This publication was prepared within the framework of a research project supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities №14-16-40007.

additional education, extracurricular activities, primary general education, modernization of education, educational network, educational organization, the author’s educational program of extracurricular activities, monitoring

В последние годы в системе образования проводятся серьезные преобразования, реализуются глобальные проекты, поддерживаемые государством, инициируемые Президентом Российской Федерации. Модернизация образования осуществляется через мероприятия приоритетного национального проекта «Образование», комплексного проекта модернизации образования, реализацию национальной образовательной инициативы «Наша новая школа».

В русле рассмотрения индивидуализации образовательной деятельности особую значимость приобретает организация внеучебной работы. Пространство дополнительного образования является благоприятным и естественным для саморазвития ребенка. Оно позволяет личности саморазвиваться в том виде деятельности, который соответствует ее направленности, интересам и потребностям, что дает человеку возможность быть успешным, чувствовать себя значимым, поверить в свои возможности и способности.

С введением ФГОС внеурочная деятельность получает статус образовательной деятельности и становится необходимым компонентом получения образования. Согласно ФГОС начального общего образования (ФГОС НОО) учебный план начального общего образования включает внеурочную деятельность, предполагающую использование специфичных форм работы, отличных от урочной системы.


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