Russian Federation
In the article, the employee welfare program — Wellbeing — is considered as a modern direction in the field of human resource management, on which productivity and employee loyalty largely depend. The historical aspects of the evolutionary development of this approach are revealed, the elements of the program that are necessary for systematic use are analyzed. The advantages, disadvantages and risks of implementing the Wellbeing system are revealed. A study was conducted and a list of recommendations for the implementation of the wellbeing program was compiled. Analytical business metrics are presented that allow assessing the level of employee wellbeing and managing the effectiveness of the program. Based on the results of a desk study in the context of each of the five elements of the program, examples of Wellbeing practices used in companies operating in Russia are given.
Wellbeing, wellbeing program, professional growth, career growth, financial wellbeing, psychological health, physical health, comfortable working atmosphere
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