Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A number of state documents in the field of education emphasize the importance of organizing an effective system of career guidance for students. The relevance of this work is due to several reasons, one of which is the strengthening of the dynamics of the labor market and the market of professions. Today, futurologists find it difficult to say which of the professions will be in demand in the future. Today’s students should have a clear understanding of what the expression “lifelong education” means and be ready to change their profession. One of the modern approaches to creating an effective career guidance system is the environmental approach, that is, the use of the career guidance potential of the society. This approach is especially relevant for organizations of additional education for children.

professional self-determination, professional orientation, additional education, environmental approach to career guidance, career guidance environment

1. Natsional'nyy proekt «Obrazovanie» [Elektronnyy resurs]. Available at: https://edu.gov.ru/national-project/about/

2. Nechaev, M.P., Frolova, S.L., Kunitsyna, S.M. Sushchnost' i soderzhanie ponyatiya «proforientatsionnaya sreda: usloviya formirovaniya. Profil'naya shkola [Profile school]. V. 8, I. 2, 2020, pp. 40-46.

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