Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article examines the experience of graphic training of students of a transport university in the conditions of distance learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the example of studying the discipline "Descriptive geometry and computer graphics". The use of the BlackBoard electronic educational environment and the teaching and methodological developments of the department staff is shown both as a learning medium for students, including independent work, and as a means of teaching for the teaching staff. Not only the remote format of classes is considered, but also the so-called mixed format, when in-person laboratory or practical classes are held only in small groups, and streaming lectures are conducted with the use of an electronic educational environment. After the end of the pandemic, the mixed format is used in many educational organizations continuously or occasionally due to the withdrawal of a separate group to quarantine. Within the framework of the article, a comparative analysis was carried out, reflecting data on the quality of graphic training among students who studied before, during and after the pandemic, using the example of samples from among the students of the 2019 – 2022 sets. The results of the comparative analysis show that there were no significant fluctuations in one direction or another. This allows us to conclude that the measures taken to organize the educational process in the remote format of classes have helped to preserve the quality of graphic training of students. Recommendations on the organization of graphic training of students are given, which can be used by geometry teachers both in the field of higher education and secondary special education, after returning to the usual conditions of the educational process.

electronic educational environment, BlackBoard, higher education, distance learning, geometric and graphic disciplines, descriptive geometry, engineering graphics, computer graphics, COVID-19

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