The article describes the experience of organizing additional education for disabled children studying individually at home using distance learning technologies. It is narrated: on the possibility of using the inclusive educational environment created at school to form an effective system for identifying, supporting and developing the abilities of children with disabilities, based on the principles of justice, universality and aimed at self-determination and professional orientation of all students , on the creation of conditions for the upbringing of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible person, on the involvement of teachers, representatives of the parental community and the students themselves in the implementation of additional general education programs to form modern competencies and support the professional self-determination of students, on strengthening the educational potential of additional education for children through inclusion in collective creative affairs, on increasing the availability of high-quality additional education at school through the use of the format of educational projects and socially significant events.
additional education for disabled children, distance learning technologies, educational projects, socially significant events, educational potential, professional self-determination, inclusive educational environment
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