Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses topical issues of increasing the level of professional competence of customs officials in the process of customs service in order to minimize the functional manifestations of destructive conflicts, personnel risks and professional stress. The purpose of this study is to develop guidelines for improving the system of professional development of customs officials. The authors carried out a comparative analysis of scientific research, the results of which are of practical importance for improving the effectiveness of personnel measures aimed at building the personnel potential of customs authorities. In the study, the authors used the following methods: observation, analysis of legal, program and target documents, expert survey, personnel risk diagnostics, hierarchy analysis. The authors analyze the factors of the organizational environment of the customs authority, which affect the level of formation of professional competence of the personnel of the customs authorities. Tasks of the diagnostic stage of the study: an expert survey of respondents on the effectiveness of the proposed methodological recommendations for improving the level of professional competence of customs officials. In the study, officials of the customs authority and teachers of a higher educational institution acted as experts. Analysis of the results of expert surveys ensures the improvement of educational and methodological support for the process of preparing students at the Samara State Technical University. Determination of effective methods of professional development of officials of the customs authority was carried out on the basis of the analysis of hierarchies (HAI).

professional development, professional competence, personnel policy, personnel risk, conflict, training, customs authorities, specialist
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