from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2021
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
OKSO 44.00.00 Образование и педагогические науки
BISAC BUS024000 Education
In the article, in order to clarify the relevance and novelty of the chosen topic, a brief review of the literature was compiled, from which it can be concluded that in this topic the question of the difficulties of mastering foreign pronunciation that arise at the initial stage of learning a second foreign language (French, based on English), with partial interference of the native language, and therefore requires further development. The efforts put into the formulation of foreign pronunciation during the traditional introductory phonetic course at the initial stage of learning a second language are largely not justified, since the pronunciation of students is quickly de-automated. This is due to the consistent execution of operations on the material of the first foreign language related to the reproduction of sounds and their repetition, memorization of certain patterns. By this point, students have developed a thorough auditory and articulatory sensitivity. When learning a second foreign language, as a result of a positive transfer of the experience of learning the first one, it is possible to master articulation faster, however, learning a second foreign language (especially one close to the first) is also associated with certain difficulties. The proximity of language phenomena is most often the cause of language interference: students perceive similar sides, and do not analyze their differences. In addition, incorrect language learning skills acquired while learning the first foreign language can also be transferred to the second language. Thus, the study and teaching of the pronunciation of a second foreign language have some features that should be taken into account.
pronunciation, articulation base, language interference, phonetic errors, second foreign language, French
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