In the field of modern education, not only in Mongolia, but also in world renowned technical and technological universities, teaching has moved from a theoretical basis to research universities. Universities are becoming corporate institutions. In this regard, it is necessary to make significant changes in the content of the curriculum. The main trend in modern engineering education is to train specialists with highly developed technical thinking for any field of activity. With this in mind, an attempt was made to outline the theoretical basis for determining the role of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics in professional education. For this, satisfaction surveys of students, graduates and employers were conducted and the results are analyzed, complex educational competencies are determined, the special role of standards in engineering and graphic education is noted, as well as the importance of feedback between different levels of education (school, basic academic, fundamental and professional). It is concluded that the changes taking place in modern engineering education, in general, lead to a reduction in the gap between the skills of a university graduate and the requirements of employers, that one of the urgent tasks of modern engineering and graphic education is the development of basic textbooks based on new forms and teaching methods in addition to the Internet environment, that the geometric-graphic cycle is key for students to master the most important complex engineering competence, and that the feedback between different levels of geometric-graphic education should be deepened in order to increase the effectiveness of its study.
teaching methodology, basic engineering courses, curriculum reform
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