Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article contains a complete classification of cadet educational establishments in the Russian Federation of which the cadet secondary school is singled out and being examined thoroughly. During the examination the distinguishing features and benefits of studying at cadet secondary schools in comparison with cadet military corps on the one hand and secondary schools on the other hand are accentuated. The features and benefits lay the basis for high social demand and prospects of such schools. After that, by means of juxtapositional analysis the so called cadet component, indices of effectiveness of the educational process, regulatory and legal framework, facilities and equipment of randomly selected cadet secondary schools are being highlighted and described. In the conclusion the author suggests an updated and more precise definition of a cadet secondary school, emphasises the necessity of modernisation of its legal framework, and indicates a roadmap to further development of the cadet secondary education in Russia.

cadet secondary school, cadet component, cadet secondary education, extracurricular (education), regulatory and legal framework, facilities and equipment, variation model.

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