Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
The authors proceed from the fact that the implementation of the competency-based approach is a condition for the effective training of bachelors of an economic university. The purpose of the study was to theoretically substantiate and design a workbook and anthology as didactic tools for organizing student's independent work. The methodological basis of the study was the competence-based approach, and the theoretical basis is the concept of mental activity, which was formed in domestic science. The article analyzes the author's educational publications – a workbook and an anthology intended for practical exercises and independent work of students in the direction of bachelor's degree 09.03.03 «Applied Informatics» (all profiles) in the discipline «History of Russia». In this study, theoretical methods (analysis, comparison, concretization, generalization, modeling), empirical methods (pedagogical experiment, analysis of activity products) were used.
competency-based approach, student's independent work
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