Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern ideas of the theory of long-term technical and economic development and evolutionary economics are systematically criticized, since the models created on their basis do not provide predictive capabilities even in predicting deep economic cri-ses. Based on the general approach to systems theory formulated by N. Wiener, the pe-riodization of Kondratiev cycles, the provisions of the history of the economy, the histo-ry and theory of automated control systems, the ideas of technological structures are deepened. The first, second, third and fourth technological modes ensured the growth of labor productivity due to an increase in material intensity, energy intensity and capital intensity of production based on an increase in the scale of obtaining and using scientific and technical information. The improvement of production was carried out through its mechanization, the replacement of human labor by the work of machines, including the simplest control systems, which were later replaced by automatic lines. The fifth and sixth technological modes ensured the growth of labor productivity with a simultaneous reduction in material intensity, energy intensity and capital intensity of production on the basis of an increase in the scale of obtaining and using scientific and technical in-formation. The improvement of production was carried out by replacing automatic lines with flexible automated production, then by creating automated intelligently controlled automated systems.

systems approach, technological structures, productivity, information, mechanization, automation, intelligent systems

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