Sofiya, Bulgaria
This paper has been devoted to an analysis of geometry from an engineering point of view. Has been based 23 statements about geometry contribution to physics, mathematics, engineering, as well as to other sciences. Geometry propagation in all types of objects and processes (such as material, energetic and information/signal ones), as well as in everything and everywhere (all-encompassing geometry) has been shown. Special attention is paid to geometry importance, emphasizing its crucial role at each stage of any technical object design (which predetermines geometry as the basis of design), as well as in other cases. It is proposed to establish a strict line of demarcation between the science "General Geometry" as "Geometry of Everything" with a construct (any object considered as a geometric structure) on the one hand, and with a subject (a study of spatial structures and construct relations with an assigned aim) – on the other hand, and to develop them separately.
geometry, science, general geometry, geometry propagation, importance of geometry, statements about geometry
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