Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ergonomic biomechanics in the life of a modern person is a new direction, positioned in the health services market. Some firms conduct ergonomic workplace assessments to combat chronic fatigue in their employees and improve physical activity. The factor of "product ergonomics" is gaining momentum in marketing. The performed analysis showed that ergonomic biomechanics is not studied in universities of a sports profile and students do not have a sufficient idea of where this direction can be used. In the scientific literature, this aspect is not sufficiently represented and its development will show not only the social function of ergonomic biomechanics, but its practical orientation both in education and in the ordinary life of a person as a consumer. Applied scientific research was carried out at the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism by students of the "Physical rehabilitation" profile while studying the profile subject "Biomechanics of human motor activity". The first part of the study was conducted in a classroom using biomechanical parameters and computer chairs on which students sit (photo-video recording, measuring angles while sitting). This practical lesson was held for the first time and was a surprise for the students. Moreover, the difficulty was that the students were in the classroom, and the teacher was at home in self-isolation, guiding the measurements using voice communication and a computer. The second part of the study consisted in the ability to organize their own ergonomic environment using the example of a workplace at home. The use of the method of design technologies made it possible to show not only the practical orientation of the research, but also the individuality, the creative approach of the student when performing a practical task on his own. The presented applied research shows the development of the competencies indicated in the work program for the subject and will be continued during the internship in secondary schools in the city of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory.

ergonomic biomechanics, movements around the axes, locomotor and moving movements, posture - movements, ergonomic environment, pedagogical experiment, educational technologies, health-preserving education, functional biomechanics, biomechanics in design technologies

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