Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to one of the important problems of the modern education system ‒ the formation of functional literacy of students, which allows ensuring the competitiveness of Russian schoolchildren in the market of educational services by ensuring the accessibility and quality of education. The article focuses on the relevance of the formation of functional literacy of students in the field of the regional system for assessing the quality of education; The main approaches to developing tools for assessing functional literacy are being considered. The results of monitoring the assessment of the natural science literacy of students in the 6th, 7th grades of general education organizations of the Stavropol Territory, carried out as part of the innovation project of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Monitoring the formation of functional literacy," as well as the results of a study of the professional competencies of teachers of the natural science cycle, which will determine the main directions for further improving the regional system for assessing the quality of education.

natural science literacy, regional system of assessment of quality of education, subject competence, methodological competence

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