Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
This article examines the current state, operating conditions and forecasts for the development of the Russian labor market after the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. The growth of the gross domestic product was revealed in July 2021, compared to July 2020. It was noted that the most important factor in the recovery and further development of economic activity in the first half of 2021 was the consumer demand of the population. General trends in the labor market are showing positive dynamics, and the process of increasing real wages has continued. The recovery processes brought workers' cash incomes closer to the indicators of 2019. It was noted that the development of the labor market in the near future will be based on the implementation in the Russian Federation of a state program called "Promotion of employment of the population", in addition, national projects have been developed: "Demography", "Small and medium-sized businesses and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative".
recovery growth, pre-pandemic level, decrease in the volume of paid services, consumer demand in the market for goods and services, recovery level of unemployment, consumer demand growth trends
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