West Ural Institute of Economics and Law (Vice-Rector for Educational Activities of the Private Educational Institution)
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Innovative thinking of employees is the key to successful innovative activities of innovation-oriented companies. This paper considers mechanisms triggering innovative mental activities. The study centers on the types of thinking reflected in innovative reasoning, in particular - analytical, logical, systematic (holistic), imaginative / creative / varied, critical, conceptual / project, structured, intuitive, productive / impactful, positive. The phenomenon of motivational and semantic mechanism influencing innovative thinking company employees and being the main catalyst for the process of innovative thinking activities has been analyzed. The concept of "social inclusion" mechanism has been introduced, which allows to expand transformative opportunities and contribute to the formation and implementation of better ideas. The author laid down suggestions to promote the development of employee thinking in innovation-oriented companies.
innovative companies, innovative thinking, types of thinking, a personnel development system
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