Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article has actual scientific issues associated with the detection capabilities of technology monitoring self-identity in the context of quality management of modern education. The article raises the question of design, implementation and monitoring technology sense of self-development of younger schoolboys in the development of GEF primary education in extracurricular activities, the methodology and technology tools for its implementation. The proposed self-monitoring technology students in extracurricular activities under the GEF primary education takes into account the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the implementation of the monitoring system of education" and the requirements for the results of development of the basic educational program of primary education, as reflected in the standards. In the construction of monitoring technology self-development of students in extracurricular activities is reflected not only the elements of the external, but internal components of the evaluation of the quality of education, not only standardized procedures (tests, the test work, etc.), but also new methods of assessment that reflect personal achievement and personal growth of the child. The article demonstrates in detail the sequence of technological development of self-monitoring technology in children´s extracurricular activities, spelled out the procedural part of the study. The author suggests a diagnostic toolkit self-development of students for various educational programs; authoring: route book pupil, which made monitoring data and recommendations are fixed educator and psychologist; student book "I Know thyself", its analysis will allow psychologists and educators to make the route of individual self-development of the child. Their use in the practice of the educational process will produce trending self-identity of the student and to determine effective means to ensure that emphasizes the importance of the results obtained in relation to each child. The implementation of self-monitoring technology students in extracurricular activities under the GEF implementing primary education will improve the quality of students´ extracurricular activities, as well as provide the ability to control the process of self-development based on analysis of data obtained from monitoring. The developed technology has found its application in the educational space of non-formal education of the city of Kaluga and Kaluga region. The article may be of interest to elementary school teachers, employees of additional education of children, psychologists, teaching staff of educational organizations implementing self-monitoring of students.

technology, monitoring, self-development of personality, extracurricular activities, individual self-development route.

Исследование проведено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ и Правительства Калужской области, проект № 14-16-40007 а(р).

Разработка технологии мониторинга саморазвития учащихся во внеурочной деятельности — задача, актуальная в свете современного образования. От ее решения во многом зависит успех всех предложений по модернизации и профессионально грамотному переводу образовательных организаций на уровень управления качеством образования. Сегодня для школ, организаций дополнительного образования детей мониторинг является отражением новых требований к качеству деятельности и, главное, качеству результатов деятельности всех его участников.

Известно, что мониторинг представляет собой достаточно сложный и неоднозначный, но целостный и самостоятельный феномен. Важно акцентировать внимание на том, что назначение мониторинга как системы сбора, обработки, хранения и распространения информации об образовательной системе или отдельных ее элементах ориентировано на информационное обеспечение управления, позволяет судить о состоянии объекта в любой момент времени и давать прогноз его развития. Поэтому мы применили мониторинг для диагностики и измерения степени саморазвития учащихся во внеурочной деятельности в освоении ФГОС начального общего образования.


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