Russian Federation
The widespread introduction of a criterion system for evaluating the educational results of schoolchildren is an actual and significant direction of the development of domestic education. The article is devoted to the problem of eliminating methodological deficits of teachers in the development of criteria assessment tools for the current control of subject results of teaching mathematics and computer science in primary and high school. The article describes the method of organizing advanced training of teachers of mathematics and computer science on the basis of a team approach that contributes to the practical implementation of the intra-school system of current control of students ' academic achievements on a criterion basis. The article presents an approach to the implementation of an additional professional training program for teachers of mathematics and computer science on the basis of "team training", focused on the development of professional skills necessary for conducting procedures for the current control of subject learning outcomes, the Department of Mathematical Education and Computer Science of St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.
school education, teacher training, monitoring of learning outcomes, criteria-based assessment, team approach
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