Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
A study conducted at the request of the company to assess the adaptation of specialists of public catering organizations returning to work after a six-month break showed the presence of pronounced signs of maladjustment. In order to increase the level of adaptation to new working conditions, an adaptation program using online technologies has been developed and implemented. The use of various methods of personnel adaptation, including emotional support through online counseling, conducting a systematic online group, meetings with elements of emotional stability training, served as the basis for accepting new living and working conditions. The results of the repeated study and the comparison of the adaptation parameters in the control and experimental groups confirm that the adaptation program had a positive effect on the employees: a positive trend was found in the change in self-regulation of behavior, motivation to work and a decrease in the signs of maladjustment of employees.
pandemic, maladaptation, personnel adaptation, motivation, emotional stability
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