Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the near future, the most popular professions will be those related to digital technologies: IT specialist, big data engineer, data architect, robot developer, operator of robotic systems. In this regard, the modern digital society needs professionals with knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence, physics, electronics, programming and design. In order for such demanded personnel to appear on the labor market, their training must begin at school, developing children's interest in engineering and technical professions. To solve this problem, a subject was introduced into schools aimed at the formation of technical and engineering knowledge of students - educational robotics. At the same time, there was a need to train teachers in this area. The article describes a meaningful model of training future teachers of educational robotics, in which the components of their professional competence are highlighted, the target and methodological components of training are presented, the organizational conditions for the formation of teachers' competence for the successful implementation of professional activities in the field of educational robotics are determined.

educational robotics, engineering and technical education, digital technologies, teacher competence, competency formation model

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