The article is devoted to some stages of social advertising phenomenon formation in Italy, as well as its main strategies, techniques, methods, design style and thematic spectrum, and gives a brief analysis of the main approaches to its creation. The social campaigns of the late 20th and early 20th centuries, aimed at forming family values and regulating relations between Italians in the family circle, are presented as an example. Based on linguistic information, stereotypical perceptions and personal communication experiences, some features of the mentality, national character and everyday life of Italians are described, which seems necessary to better understand the concept of family and its importance in the life of this nation. Taking into account the statistical data presented in the text, it is possible to trace a causal relation between the social campaigns regulating the family microclimate in the 20th century and the family values of Italians in the present period, while current trends in social advertising allow us to make some assumptions about the trajectory of Italian society in the coming years.
advertising communication; Italy; Italians; social advertising; social campaigns; mass communication; family values; national character
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