Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the analysis of federal educational standards for personnel management at the undergraduate and graduate level, which showed that higher educational institutions can creatively approach the formation of information and digital competencies in students. It has been substantiated that the formation of digital competencies is based on information competencies and is associated with the ability to extract, process, store and transmit big data. For the formation of digital competencies among students studying in the field of "personnel management", it is proposed to introduce the study of the free software product KNIME distributed on the Internet in the work program of the discipline "Information technologies in personnel management", which allows working with big data at the level of large nodes without knowledge of programming languages. The article provides an example of a simple model created in KNIME to analyze the labor market of specialists required by an enterprise by extracting and processing data presented on the website hh.ru.

informatization, digitalization, federal state educational standard, competencies, HR specialist

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