Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The possibilities of organizing group work using digital resources are discussed in the article. Currently, there is a clear need on the part of the state and employers for specialists who can work in a team and implement ambitious projects. At the same time, according to the authors, since the 90s, there has been an asymmetry in pedagogy towards individual forms of education and the individualization of the educational process in general. As a result, a significant proportion of graduates are not ready to work in the team. It is possible to overcome this contradiction by using a variety of forms of group work, starting from the first year. The authors present their experience in organizing such activities for first-year undergraduate economics students. A statistical analysis is presented that confirms the positive impact of group work on the academic success of students. A survey conducted among students also confirms their interest in developing teamwork skills.
group work, teamwork, communicative competence, digital collaboration
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